The third general class of herbs and herbal formulas, after the Foundation Formulas and the Energy Generators, is the Well Being Formulas, also called the Balancing & Harmonizing Formulas

Radiant Health means the enjoyment of a clear mind, balanced emotions, and a light, energetic body. For this to happen you need an uninterrupted free-flowing circulation of blood and energy throughout the body.  Blockage of this free-flowing movement results in stagnation.

Stagnation first reveals itself in various mental, emotional, and physical patterns. You may feel a certain dullness, emotional instability, chronic tiredness, etc. These are not symptoms of disease.

The imbalance is subclinical (not bad enough to be a disease). Your primary health care provider may not be able to pinpoint what is wrong, but you know there is something wrong.  There is no test and no protocol for dullness or lack of energy. Some people think they are just getting older and must adjust or “get used to it”. Or, they may think there is a psychological problem.

However, these symptoms are signals your body is sending to warn you.  Sooner or later that imbalance may develop into something serious. Right now it is likely something you can do something about.


Well Being Formulas (Emotional and Mental Well Being)

A well-balanced person adapts to a wide range of stressful events meeting the challenges but leaving the stress accumulated behind. This ability to handle stress is critical in our world today. It is not possible to avoid stress. Our challenge is to continue to build up our own adaptability and at the same time bring our minds and emotions into balance. Adjusting our diet, regular moderate exercise, a little extra sleep, and drinking more water can help. The addition of the Emotional & Mental Balancing Formulas from Radiant Wonder can also work wonders. This is also why our formulas are full of adaptogens, the miracle herbs that help the body and mind adapt quickly.

The Emotional and Mental balancing formulas are very effective and usually show results quickly. Occasionally, you may not immediately notice a change because the effect of these formulas allows you to feel like yourself again. It is such a natural change others may comment on your shift before you recognize it.

A beginning herbal program always includes a Foundation Formula, an Energy Generator plus a Well Being Formula.

Sleep Regulating Formulas

Sleep disturbances can be caused by excessive stress, anxiety, worry, emotional upset, and overexertion. The goal of our Sleep Regulating Formulas is to address the root cause of these disturbances, rather than resorting to a quick fix and the inevitable side effects. Using these formulas can result in significant improvement of sleep patterns resulting in many health benefits as a consequence of better rest.

Immune Regulating Formulas – Boosting Your Natural Response

In today’s world it seems there is always another threat to our immune systems.  This is another reason so many elements in your Healthy Living Progam also address releasing accumulated physical and mental stress.  Accumulated stress weakens the protective function of the immune system. The Radiant Wonder Immune Regulating Formulas are designed to be used over long periods of time – weeks or months – to strengthen the protective energy of the body and reduce the effects of stress. This is where the great gift of using lots of adaptogenic herbs in our formulas pays off.

Diet, Detox and Digestive Regulating Formulas

One of the first steps toward Radiant Health is to strengthen our digestive system. The digestive system is a key to the healthy functioning of all the other organs, healthy blood, and free-flowing energy throughout the body.

If the digestion is sluggish and elimination irregular the whole system gets degraded and the stage is set for the onset of disease. Our formulas help the body’s natural process of balancing, digestion, fat, and water metabolism, as well as the reduction of cravings.

They also have a powerful effect on detoxification and elimination, both of which are essential to proper metabolic function. These formulas are generally used in combination with other formulas to strengthen willpower and diminish emotional disturbances that can often lead to overeating

Temporary Remedies

These formulas are famous for helping certain specific pains or imbalances: eczema, cold sores, headaches (there is more than one kind), hair, skin, even bone issues. Many are only used short term