According to the wisdom of ancient Chinese Herbalism, good health depends upon two things:
1. The body needs enough energy to be able to do its job.
2. There must be a free flow of energy in the body.

How does this relate to DETOX?

Energy is like water — when it flows easily and freely, the water is clear, but when the flow is interrupted or stopped, the water pool stagnates. A stagnation of energy in your body allows toxins to “pool” and collect, just as it does in stagnant water. Stuck Energy creates Inflammation. Recently Western Medicine has identified inflammation as the root cause of most disease.

When your energy is not flowing, toxins can cause a multitude of problems, such as allergies, acne, low energy, unclear thinking, excess weight, etc. If not resolved, they can eventually lead to more serious diseases. According to Chinese Medical Theory, if energy is actually blocked, then you also have pain, another product of inflammation.

Issues that can be helped by the 4 week all body detox:
  • Constant allergies
  • Insomnia
  • High cholesterol; trycylcerides
  • Excessive stress
  • Migraines
  • Stress Headaches
  • Allergies
  • Fertility
  • Alternating constipation/diarrhea
  • Chronic Gas and Bloating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Acne
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
  • Chronic constipation
  • Excess weight

note: good for all except those with IBS/diarrhea issues (consult with an herbalist for a special version for you)

How Does the Detox Work?


You buy the program and follow the directions for Radiant Wonder 4 Week All Body Detox. The ancient Chinese Herbal Masters referred to energy stagnation as the “Mother of All Diseases.” At Radiant Wonder, “Detox” does not only mean “cleaning out,” but also freeing the flow of energy. You can feel lighter and clearer after a special four-week whole body detox program designed to systematically dissolve energy blockages.

How Long Is The Cleanse?

We typically advise you to do the cleanse for one week, but you can do it for as little as 2-3 days. Some of our customers do this cleanse for up to 2 weeks. Many people also do it 2-3 days and then repeat it a few weeks later. This detox is actually great to do for a few days every month. It is advised to do the cleanse during the two major season shifts of the year: Summer to Fall and Winter to Spring. Basic Detox Principle according to Chinese Medicine: In the colder weather longer detoxes are not advised. In the warmer weather, detox can be done often.

What will you need?
  • 4 Herbal Formulas
  • Food Therapy
  • The Radiant Eight Energy Exercise DVD (or download)
  • Hot Water Detox
  • Special Breathing Exercises

The 4 Week Radiant Wonder All Body Detox

Herbal Formulas Included with this Program:

1. Super Herbal Detox: This is a potent combination of cleansing herbs that is important at the beginning of any herbal program. Super Herbal Detox helps with the general detoxification process, especially targeting the digestive tract and the blood. In a recent study, Chinese Licorice, the main ingredient in this formulation, was found to remove more than 600 known environmental toxins from the body. This powerful formula should be used for short-term cleansing only.

For long-term maintenance, gradual cleansing can be achieved with an Empowerment Formula and Balancing.

2. Liver Tonic 3000: An important step in detoxifying the body is to clean excess heat and toxins from the liver.The liver plays an extremely important role in purifying the blood. Toxic substances are separated from the blood in the liver and either discharged through the bowels or stored in the liver. Toxic waste that is stored in the liver can cause great harm. Therefore, strengthening and detoxifying the liver is vital to good health. The liver is a remarkable organ, able to rejuvenate if only given the chance. It can take time, anywhere from 3 months to a year, but it is worth it.

3. Classic Cleansing Formula: Your lymphatic system is your detoxifying system. Your lymphatic system filters toxins from your inter-cellular tissue recycles proteins back into your bloodstream. In addition, it guards you against disease. It produces white blood cells needed to fight infection. Classic Cleansing Formula focuses on detoxifying and nourishing your lymphatic system, your liver, and your gallbladder. When your lymphatic system is not working efficiently, energy begins to stagnate, and you will not feel like yourself. Because there is a stagnation of energy, you might feel intolerant of heat. Or, you may feel lethargic, or mentally dull. You may be more susceptible to colds and allergies. Many people today have chronically toxic lymph fluids, a condition that can lead to serious disease. When the lymphatic fluid is flowing freely, toxins are less likely to accumulate. When the fluid and energy stagnates, that is when problems arise.

4. Triphala Plus: A popular folk saying in India is, “No mother? Do not worry so long as you have Triphala.” They say Triphala is able to care for the internal organs of the body as a mother cares for her children. Each of the three herbal fruits of Triphala takes care of the body by gently promoting internal cleansing of all conditions of stagnation and excess, while at the same time improving digestion and assimilation.

30-day-body-cleanse Food Therapy: A Daily Nutritional Program
  • Breakfast is key! – Variations for breakfast are great. Just make sure you have real food, nothing processed. Include 10-15 grams of protein. Good protein for breakfast regulates your blood sugar and resets your brain chemistry.
  • Have a mid-morning snack – We recommend 12 almonds and a piece of fruit
  • For lunch, have any combination of protein and vegetables
  • Have a mid-afternoon snack – Again, we recommend 12 almonds and a piece of fruit.
  • For dinner have any combination of protein and vegetables.

Important Notes:

  • Avoid drinking liquids while eating
  • Have a hot drink 20 minutes or more once you’ve finished a meal
  • Remember to avoid cold foods and drinks! (Especially upon the first few hours of waking)
Lighten Up the Weight on Your Digestion This Week
What to cut out:
  • Sugar
  • Sugar substitutes
  • Soda
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Other flour products (cake, cookies, pretzels, cheetos, etc.)
  • Deep fried foods
  • Caffeine (If you absolutely can’t cut out the the caffeine altogether, we recommend one cup of green tea in the morning, rather than coffee.)

This specially designed combination of herbal formulas helps to break down the stagnation in your body that is holding back the vitality that should be yours. The Radiant Wonder 4 Week All Body Detox goes beyond just taking supplements, it is a rejuvenation program. To maximize the use of these gentle, sophisticated herbal formulas it is good to also do the following:

  • Radiant Eight Energy Exercises
  • The Hot Water Detox once a week
  • The Alternate Breathing Exercise
Additional Effective Principles

Cooking Methods:

  • Do not bake
  • Stir fry with water, rather than oil
  • Use less oil with any other cooking method

Sleep: Be in bed between 11-11:30pm at the latest

Keep it simple! – Make a meal plan and simply step into it.