Testimonials of our Insomnia Herbal Products
Helping people find helpful solutions to their health concerns is our passion and our mission. Below you’ll find a collection of reviews and testimonials from customers who have found success from our products.
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Energy Back, No Hot Flashes, Sleeping At Night, then a Baby Girl
I am 43 years old and I just delivered our beautiful baby, Gina! I have a very stressful job as a social worker. A year and a half ago, my energy was so low, I was having bad gas, constipation, and years of anxiety and insomnia. My FSH was high and I was having hot flashes. I started working with Radiant Wonder. After 10 months of Steps to Success I was so depressed. There had been big changes: my energy was back; I had no constipation, I was sleeping through the night, little to no anxiety, with no hot flashes at all. But no baby. I went to the Kaiser Fertility Clinic. I kept thinking ‘I do not want to do this’. But why did I want to give up? The very next week I got a positive. It was 11 months to the day from the time I started with you. That positive is now our incredible baby, Gina. To other women I say, ‘don’t give up.’ And don’t be afraid of your age. Don’t be afraid to give your body time to heal.
Hot Flashes Gone In 3 Weeks!
I am so happy I can’t believe this. After only 3 weeks on the herbs, my hot flashes are gone and also night sweating I’m overjoyed. I was getting hot flashes I don’t know how many times. They were becoming devastating and I was very depressed.
Thank God and thanks to you they are gone! My period has not come back yet, but I believe soon it will come back naturally. I don’t want test my FSH because I feel everything will be fine, because I’m so relaxed and one day I will Email to you saying I’m pregnant. How long it takes, I will pray God to give me patience, so that I will share the outcome of my journey so do my husband as well. Thanks!
Hot Flashes Gone, IVF Soon To Come…
Hi Amanda,
Things are going great! I started the hot water/lemon detox and noticed an almost immediate decrease in the coughing. I did the hot water with some lemon for the past week and noticed a smooth, twice a day BM without drastically changing my diet. I have been taking Super Fertility #2 and Harmony (ordered 2 month supply last week) as directed along with acupuncture twice a week, daily ear exercise and lymphatic massage and am eating more veggies. I received the Cough & Bronchitis #1 formula and Radiant Eight Energy Exercises early last week and have been taking formula 3 twice a day. The cough as of today is 95% gone and hot flashes/sweats are almost gone. I will start DVD this week as my last week was hectic. I am so impressed and happy with your formulas and plan to be on this program for 3 months before attempting another IVF transfer (January).
Hot flashes? Almost non-existent!! If I do get one a day it’s a mild flush. My sleeping is better also. I usually wake up once a night the use the bathroom, but I go right back to sleep – I am so excited!!!
Two Months Later: My hot flashes are still rarely there. I switched Harmony to Balance and that seems to be working better for me on many levels. I did not ovulate this month, but I understand that can happen. Still aiming for January transfer.
I am addicted to drinking hot water. (Who would have believed it!) I put a little sliver of lemon in it and I sip hot lemon water all day. I love it. And I remembered that a friend of mine told me about this several years ago. I asked how her mother had such beautiful skin. She had no wrinkles and her skin was so smooth and healthy looking. She told me her mother drank hot lemon water all the time and that was the secret!
Finally I would like to tell you that there is something that has been happening for me that it is something that gives me peace about this whole process. My mood is great. I can not describe it. I feel so good all the time. It is a peace. So I really feel, as much as I really, really want this child, that I am not wasting my time or my money on this. It is very real and completely unexpected. I want to feel like this for the rest of my life.
No Longer Cold, No Bloating, and Improved Sleep
My concerns:
Body Temperature: My body temperature was always low. I was cold all the time! I am warmer now even though I often feel cold and the place where I work is cold. It is not all the time, but already my colleagues have noticed that my hands are warmer. It is impossible to not get cold because the AC is blowing cold air. However there have been times when I take my sweater off at work, which has never happened, and it has only been 3 weeks.
Stomach: No more bloating after eating. No more stomach pain. I used to take my father’s Priolsec, you know the prescription, after eating. My stomach hurt so much. This has been going on for years! Now I haven’t asked him for one single pill since I changed everything.
Sleeping: I sleep better. I don’t wake up that often, but it still takes me a while to fall asleep, but I am able to sleep once I get to sleep. I used to be up all night.
Energy: My energy is better. It is not 100 percent, but I am not dragging.
I also had a completely different feeling with my period (which just came). I always have horrible cramping a week before my period. And I didn’t have cramping at all. I always finish a bottle of Advil every month. Around my period I would have to take 3 capsules every 6 hours to get through. I did not need even one Advil. To be honest, it was on the calendar so I expected cramping. I usually do get a really bad headache before my cycle. That is the only thing I still got this cycle. To tell you the truth I was even thinking maybe I was pregnant. Usually my breasts got really sore and my cramps are really horrible. And usually the first day I don’t even want to get out of bed. This month my breasts were not sore. I had only slight cramping the first day. Before I saw the bleeding I honestly thought maybe I was pregnant it was so different. The clots are less and the flow is not so heavy. It seems crazy after only 3 weeks. I usually don’t want to move, when I would get off from work I want to stay still. Also, I am not tired at all. Usually on my cycle I am exhausted. This is good for me. I didn’t get really emotional either, usually I just want to cry all the time, but this time I was just really happy the whole week before.
I’m going to continue using Radiant Wonder 🙂 I love it! Thanks Amanda!