The Powerbuilder is the last exercise, and definitely the most important exercise in the Radiant Eight Energy Exercises, free to all customers.

It is simply standing still with the knees slightly bent and the eyes closed.  Standing still.

It feels like you are doing nothing, but the changes within are dramatic.

This is an exercise?  With scientific research supporting its value?

Research is supporting that there is tremendous value in standing still as a form of exercise.  Eastern Medicine recognized the great value it has for the body thousands of years ago.

Modern medicine has been putting this value to the test. The results are fascinating.  Dr. Yang, who has conducted research studies at the University of Illinois found significant improvement in the patients.

‘Standing still exercise improves core strength, balance, bone density, power, awareness, sleep quality, body alignment, the efficiency of movements, and mind-body connection,’ says Yang.  ‘In one of my research projects, the lower-body strength increased by about 20 percent after six months of taking part in a one-hour class, which included about 20 minutes of standing, three times per week.’

One of the keys to being able to turn any health challenge around is to build superior quality blood and to make sure that rejuvenating blood is freely circulating, nourishing the whole body.

A study in China, by Professor Yu Yong-Nian, of Teh Lu Hospital in Beijing, showed a marked increase in the protein of red blood cells after one hour of standing, providing an increased flow of oxygen to different organs and allowing the whole body to feel relaxed.

It is so fascinating that standing still allows the muscles to relax. And that relaxation increases circulation. It makes sense.  If someone gives you a shoulder massage how do you feel? Relaxed and calmer. Why? Because as the muscles relaxed the flow of blood and energy was easier.

The ancient Eastern herbalists incorporated this standing still exercise into prescriptions for their patients because they observed the rejuvenating effect it had.

It was good for people of all ages, and was especially important for those who had been through trauma, were older and weaker, or trying to overcome a chronic health condition.  We have seen it make a tremendous difference in any important healing, notably fertility challenges. The ancient herbalist observed that with this particular exercise the less the physical movement, the faster the positive results.

Adding the Powerbuilder into your exercise routine will help your body hold a baby full term. It will help you recover quickly from both emotional and physical events that threw you off balance.  And it will allow you to age with grace and strength. For most people, their lower body strength weakens with age.

Normal cardio and aerobic exercise routines activate the tension-building phasic muscles, and there is no exercise to strengthen the postural muscle (the muscles that establish the body’s balance and core energy).

The Powerbuilder is a great tool to help us survive in what often seems to be a chaotic world, where it is much easier to tense up, blocking free circulation. 

What do you do?

The practice works like this: after some gentle warm-up movements, you stand quite still and relaxed, with all your joints open (see below). This releases blocks of tension and strengthens your core muscles, allowing your energy to flow freely.  You start healing faster.

Standing still exercise flies in the face of most of our definitions of “exercise.” ‘We may go running, for example, and when it becomes painful we think, “This is good; this is proof that I am working hard.  No pain, no gain. 

Running, any cardio or aerobic exercise is great and it feels great, as you exercise your large muscle groups, release superficial stress caught in those muscles and increase your endorphins.  However, if this is your only kind of exercise, overusing these tension-inducing phasic muscles may result in a bad back, arthritis, stiff joints, infertility, adrenal fatigue, even depression.

The Powerbuilder and other standing-still exercises build the postural muscles and release small pockets of deep stress that regular exercise can not touch.  This is valuable.

It is not whether you should go to the gym or not.  It is how you use the tools you have and being aware that while being exhausted after running is common what happens next?  If you do not feel uplifted the next morning your exercise routine needs to be adjusted. You may be taxing your adrenal glands.

Another key:  If you do not have the “willpower” to exercise this is not your willpower.  When you have enough energy, willpower is just a natural side effect. If you are exhausted, the Radiant Eight Energy Exercises, which include The Powerbuilder, are the type of exercise your body is craving right now.  You need more stability and strength. Do these for a few months 15 minutes every day and the energy and willpower you need to do cardio will come back.  Right now that type of exercise is making you go backward, not forward!

‘There’s a misconception in the West that this standing form is a spiritual discipline, but standing still is a very physical exercise.’
Dr. Yang

Comment from one of our long-standing customers, who loves the Powerbuilder so much that she sometimes skips the rest of the Radiant Eight and just does the Powerbuilder for 15-20 minutes.

I have been doing The Radiant Eight and especially The Powerbuilder for over 15 years.  I continue to be amazed by the results. I am more relaxed and have more energy, agility, power, and tranquillity. I sleep better, feel happier and am much more at peace.’