Unblocked-tubes-naturally I unblocked my tube naturally.  (I only had one tube to unblock).   My name is Vicky.  I am a Nurse Practitioner so I was not surprised my doctor immediately recommended IVF for my blocked tube.  I know that IVF has a 75% failure rate the first time.  I started looking for herbal remedies for blocked tubes to try first. I am originally from Nigeria, where we have a respect for Western Medicine, but also for herbal medicine.  So this was a logical step for me. When I did another HSG a year or so later, this is the celebration I had on the phone telling Amanda the great news.

Hi Amanda, I am great, and I have great news to share with you! I saw my doctor. You remember in our original call I told you I only had one tube and that it was blocked?

I have only have one tube and it was blocked.  So I’ve been taking the Free Flow and the Cinnamon and Poria for quite a while and doing the Fertility Massage, the Radiant Wonder exercises … everything you and Julie have been telling me to do.

I was a little nervous, I wanted to see if the treatment was working. At same time I didn’t want to do it because if I found out the tube was still blocked it might have discouraged me.  I went ahead and scheduled the HSG. And, behold, my tube is open!

Amanda, my one tube is open!   I am in shock and I’m super, super, super excited!

Those herbs do work, the massages do work. It took me a year and three months to get that tube unblocked.

It took a while, but I was persistent. I just kept going. I really didn’t have any other choice. but to keep going.  I knew that I was just going to keep going.  I knew that stopping was not an option for me.
I’m very excited with all my herbs. Since the time I started Radiant Wonder a lot of positive changes have happened to me.   Obviously I’m not pregnant yet, but I know one day I will be. The reason I keep hoping, the reason I know it is going to happen, is the changes that are happening in my body.  I now understand the pattern my body goes through when things are shifting for the better.  It is not a straight line forward.  It is a wave, sometimes if feels like a rollercoaster, up and down, until my body settles into a new way of being.  I call it my rollercoaster pattern.  When it comes it gives me hope, it gives me great hope.   I love my herbs, I love my Radiant Wonder herbs. I won’t stop them because besides unblocking my tube they’ve done a whole lot for my health.

Before I started Radiant Wonder I thought I was going to die from hot flashes.  It felt like  a crazy spell had been cast on me.  I didn’t think any woman should go through that.  Now it is much better.   Also, I’m emotionally more stable than I used to be.  This is definitely because of my program. I’m very satisfied at this point with my Radiant Wonder herbs.  I have solid hope from the real results I can see, can feel and can test.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I’m knowing that that day will come.  I tell you, I will tell the whole world when that baby comes.
