Irregular Periods

Most women have – on average – between 11 and 13 menstrual periods every year.

Every woman is different so you may have more than that or less than that. To decide if your periods are missed or irregular, it is necessary to view it in terms of what is normal for you.

It is very common for your periods to be irregular for the first few years of menstruation. This is because it takes time for the hormones that control your periods to find a balance.

How Can I Get Pregnant with Irregular Periods?

You may not care about whether this can affect your ability to get pregnant, but if you are wanting more fertility, irregular cycles can be a major worry. Having your period become irregular from time to time in your life is not a sign of a serious disease. It is often the body simply protecting you. One of the most common reasons for delayed or missed periods is the level of challenge you have met or are meeting right now. Your body needs blood for your period, but it also needs blood for you to do what you to do everyday to survive in this crazy world. You will read all kinds of reasons below why you might not be having regular periods. If you have the right advice and learn how to help your body renew and replenish your cycles will become regular again. Even if you have been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure or told you are in the beginning stages of Menopause. This is the great gift of Chinese Medicine, the knowledge of exactly what foods and herbs the body needs to regain normal function. Somewhere between 3 and 5 months you will see your cycle rebalancing again, and you can kiss the diagnosis of ”menopause” goodbye! You will also have much more energy than you have now.

So Let’s Take a Look at Both the Eastern and Western Solutions

Chinese Medicine is Energy Medicine sees your irregular (or missing) periods as an imbalance of energy and blood. The solution: Give the body the blood building and energy building foods and herbs to help it renew its normal functioning. When you follow a Healthy Living Program for Irregular Periods (which is more than just the herbs) your energy increases, your body rebalances, your cycles become regular again AND your hormones rebalance. You alone have the power to do this rebalancing.

Western Medicine is Biochemical Medicine and sees your irregular periods as an imbalance of hormones. The ”balancing” solution is to put you on Birth Control.

Below we will discuss both in detail.

Missed or Irregular Periods are Classed as

Less or more than 11 – 13 periods a year


Less or more than your own ‘normal’ number of periods

Your first stop should be to see your doctor to make sure that there are not reasons for your irregular periods that can compromise you entire health.

Rejuvenation Program - Woman Hot Water

Causes (in alphabetical order)

• Breast-feeding

Many women only go back to having regular periods when they have finished breast feeding.

• Eating disorders

For example – anorexia or bulimia.

• Emotional stress

• Excessive weight loss or gain

Low body weight is widely recognized as a common cause of missed or irregular periods. However, being obese may also cause menstrual problems.

• Hormone problems

may trigger a change in the levels of the hormones that your body needs for ‘normal’ menstruation to occur. A check up will include a blood test which may find that certain hormones are too high or too low.

• Illness

• Increased exercise

Athletes and Dancer commonly have missed or irregular periods.

• Medicines

Birth control pills may cause

• more frequent periods, lighter periods, less frequent periods, skipped periods or, no periods at all.

Remember, you can still become pregnant even though you are not menstruating. Practice birth control if you do not wish to become pregnant.

• Perimenopause

• Premature ovarian failure is when you stop menstruating before age 40.

• Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the abdomen or pelvis may all cause premature ovarian failure.

• Problems with the pelvic organs such as

• Asherman’s syndrome, fibroids, imperforate hymen, pelvic infection, polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine cancer / uterine abnormalities, uterine polyps

• Travel

How Eastern Medicine Sees It

The use of birth control has created a mindset that your menstrual cycle should be 28 days (or close to it) and if it is 23 days, or 45 days once in a while that this is something abnormal.

Chinese Medicine understands that your body uses all the tools at its disposal to keep everything regulated and balanced.

Bleeding Between Periods

For instance, if a summer is uncomfortable hot, your body may instigate a short period to help your body to cool off. Western Medicine would view that as an irregular period but we understand that your body is trying to help you.

A Late ‘Irregular’ Period

Another example is having a long time between periods – say 30 days. Again, Western Medicine would see that as an irregular period but Chinese Medicine understands that your body does not just use blood for your periods.

It is needed to meet intense challenges and so if you have been facing a lot of those recently, then your body is going to hold onto the blood to give you the energy that you need.

Your Body Knows How To Heal Itself
We Can Teach You To
Give It the Help It Needs.

Reasons for Irregular Periods According to Chinese Medicine

This list is short is because Chinese Medicine focuses on what is causing the balance of your body’s energy to be thrown off – which in turn, causes your periods to be irregular.

You will see some of the same issues (stress, overwork, intense exercise), but these are factors that contribute to the reason, not the reason itself.

There are many patterns that create irregular periods (12 to be exact), but each always is a combination of at least 2 of these issues.

Energy Stagnation

Getting a Period Less Than 20 Days after the Last One

Two Possible Reasons –

Reason One

If your period is heavy with bright red blood it could be due to Energy Stagnation. This causes heat to build up in your uterus so your body releases blood in an effort to cool down that heat.

Solution: Clear the stuck energy and build your blood back up.

We Recommend:

Classic Cleansing Formula Take 2 twice a day

Spirulina Organic Take 3 twice a day

Reason 2:

If you tend to be cold all the time it could indicate that your body doesn’t have enough warm (Yang) energy to hold on to the blood. This can result in blood being released.

Solution: Increase your warm Yang energy. 

We Recommend:

A Woman’s Energy Take 2 capsules twice a day  

Balance Take 2 capsules twice a day

Energy Stagnation can affect your blood flow which in turn, may lead to Blood Stagnation.

Your blood is unable to flow freely which may lead to missed or irregular periods.

Low Digestive Energy

Getting a Period More Than 30 Days after the Last One

Your body is holding onto the blood because you are not producing enough blood to carry you through the day and still be able to have a period. 

Solution:  Build Blood and strengthen digestion.

We Recommend:

Digestive Energizer Take 1 after each meal

Women’s Radiance Tonic  Take 2 twice a day

Low Jing Energy

Your Jing energy is that deep energy reserve that you call on when you feel as if you’re running on empty.

Low Jing can be caused by simply being worn down by life. You need so much blood to keep you going that there is not enough left over for you to have a period.

Long periods of intense challenges can cause energy to become stuck.