During the process of conception, the sperm and the egg meet in the fallopian tube.

The tube is lined with tiny little hair-like structures called filia. These waft the blastocyst through the fallopian tube until it arrives in the uterus.

A nice plump uterine wall is an easy place for the fertilized egg to attach. This is why the thickness of your uterine wall can make a big difference to the success of your pregnancy.

Chinese Medicine has been focused on naturally enhancing women’s fertility for centuries. Fertility herbs and formulas are a safe and very effective way to build up your uterine wall.

Results can be safely achieved in a very short period of time using the formulas nutrition to build blood. No hormones are used at any time.

You have come to the right place for help.

The Part Your Uterine Lining Plays in Your Reproductive Cycle

When a woman has her period, the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) is shed. Then over the next few weeks, a new lining is regenerated.

Eventually, it becomes receptive to the implantation of an embryo.

If no embryo implants, the body recognizes that there is no pregnancy so it sheds the endometrium and starts the regeneration process over again.

Why a Thin Lining of the Womb can be an Issue When Trying To Conceive

Did you know that the thickness of your uterine lining at the time of ovulation

is almost as important as the number of eggs that are developing?

The average thickness of endometrium is 8 mm which increases during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, at least 7 mm of thickness is required to provide a suitable site for the fetus to fully implant. This thickness is usually achieved around day 21 of your menstrual cycle.

This thickness plays a vital role in the implantation of fetus to the walls of the uterus but it is also crucial in supporting the growing baby in the later stages of pregnancy.

If, due to any cause, this lining becomes thin, it becomes impossible for the fertilized egg to get fully implanted in the wall of the uterus.

What Is The Optimum Thickness Of Endometrial Lining For Implantation?

There is some debate about “how thin is too thin”.

This is an issue that comes up often with IVF, FET or egg donor. It is one of the makers that must be met to go ahead with the cycle.

Some Doctors say that their cut off point for diagnosing a thin endometrium is one that is 6mm or less.

Others say that they like to see a lining of at least 7mm in thickness when measured by ultrasound at the time of maximal thickness during the cycle.

In general, it appears that 8 to 10mm is good but 6 or less may be a potential problem.

We have helped thousands of women who came to us with thin endometrial linings.

We helped them to build their linings back up to 8 to 15mm.

Thin Womb Lining Symptoms according to Chinese Medicine

You may have 2 or 3 of the following):

•  Fatigue
*  Shortness of Breath sometimes
•  Pale complexion
•  Pale tongue – sides of the tongue may be paler than the middle
•  Emotional changes, irritability or palpitations
•  Dizziness
•  Delayed, light flow or light colored blood
•  Feeling of chilliness in body or hands and feet
•  Possible absence of menstrual period
*  Lack of appetite in the morning especially
•  Possible painful menses

Causes and Treatment of a Thin Endometrium

1. Low Estrogen

The hormone estrogen is responsible for making the endometrium thicken so if you don’t have enough estrogen, this can be an issue.

If left unaddressed estrogen levels decline with age and low levels are common for women over 40 but less common for women in their twenties and thirties. Western Medicine sees every woman as a product of these statistics.

Chinese Medicine allows for the possibility that, with the right nutrition and techniques, the estrogen levels can be maintained at normal levels until a woman has stopped her menses completely.

If you’re having a hard time conceiving or you have not been able to take a pregnancy to full term, have your estrogen levels and uterine thickness checked.

Western Medicine: Cause and Treatment of Low Estrogen

Cause: Low Estrogen caused byaging, especially evident if you are over 40 years old.

Treatment: Prescribe synthetic estrogen and monitor your endometrium to see if it thickens. When you stop taking the estrogen the uternine wall will thin again. The estrogen levels will also return to their low level or below that level.

Results: Immediate, within a few weeks. But long term use is not advised.

However, this is the best choice to make if you are in the middle of an assisted cycle and have only a few weeks before your transfer.

Chinese Medicine: Cause and Treatment of Low Estrogen

Cause: Low Estrogen caused by a lack of the right nutrition. Chinese Medicine, the medicine of rejuvenation and renewal, has experience over many generations of using natural solutions to help the body regain balance.

When the endometrial lining is thin the body can not have normal estrogen levels.

Treatment: To increase the wall of the endometrium with natural herbs and foods so both estrogen and the uterine wall will increase. Many of the herbs used in these formulas are what modern science has identified as “estrogenic”, using phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) instead of synthetic estrogens. The treatment offers the body the material it needs to rebalance.

Results: Changes will start within 30 days. Significant results wthin 60-90 days. Once the uterine wall is reestablished you can maintain the thickness with diet and a minimal use of herbal supplements.

When you stop the treatment your uterine lining will remain full as long as you continue to follow the dietary recommendations which were part of your program. If you are resuming assisted cycles you may need to continue the herbs, and you may need to take regular breaks between cycles to help the body rebuild.

Important note: Clomid or any of the injectibles will thin the uterine lining. (see details below)

If it doesn’t work, this would suggest that the blood flow is being compromised in some way or you have some form of damage to your womb lining.

2. Inadequate Blood Flow to the Uterus – Causes and Solutions

If your uterus is not receiving enough blood, it makes it very difficult for it to make the endometrium as thick as it needs to be.

It could be that there is simply not enough blood flow to the uterus.

Resolving Issues with Blood Flow to the Uterus is a Specialty of Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine is the study of the body’s energy and the internal interactions between different organ systems.

Ancient doctors understood the importance of bringing more vitality to the reproductive organs, and there are specific natural fertility treatments that have been used by generations of women and men to successfully renew and rejuvenate sexual vitality.

These treatments both nourish and destress your body using very specific herbal formulas, special exercises combined with diet and lifestyle advice. Everything is explained in detail in your personalized Natural Fertility Program.

5 important tips for increasing uterine blood flow:

1.) Special herbal formulas such as A Woman’s Vitality, Super Fertility #1Spirulina Organic or Free and Easy Energy. These formulas are famous for breaking down stagnate energy and increasing blood flow to the uterus

2.) Bringing more warmth to the uterus if cold is a factor with the use of Harimake, fertility herbs, heat patch, liquid moxa.

3.) Lifestyle advice to move your body! (walk, dance, enjoy.)

4.) The Radiant Wonder Fertility Massage, done every day the second week of your cycle only. (10 minutes)

5.) The Radiant Eight Energy Exercises to de-stress the body (body stress inhibits blood flow)

Following your Radiant Wonder Natural Fertility Program sets your body up not only for a better lining but for a better communication between the interconnected hormones that support your sexual vitality.

3 physical conditions which can compromise blood flow to your uterus:

•  tilted uterus

•  uterine fibroids

•  uterine fibroid Embolization

Best solutions for these: combine Western and Eastern methods. Use both.


All of the conditions above may also include uterine arterial constriction due to stress.
The Radiant Eight Energy Exercises done everyday plus the Radiant Wonder *Fertility Massage, (a self massage done for one week each month) will easily increase more blood flow to your uterus and help to relieve stress.

*Fertility Massage

Gentle external stimulation during the Fertility Massage can improve blood flow to your uterus, make the uterine muscles stronger, help to promote better hormone function and help to detoxify the uterus.

And can help scar tissue to break down and heal.

3. Damaged Endometrial Tissue May also inhibit normal blood flow

Illness, infection and surgery may also decrease the essential flow of blood to the endometrium.

Damage may potentially be caused by:

D and C (Dilation and Curettage)

If a D&C is not performed correctly, it may inadvertently deplete one of the layers of the endometrium.

Often the damage can be repaired. If there is pain associated with the damage (Asherman’s Syndrome) and the pain disappears that is a clear sign your body is healing itself.

4. Taking Clomid for Consecutive Cycles Thins the Uterine Wall

Clomid acts by making your body believe that it has low estrogen.

Low estrogen stimulates the production of GnRH which in turn, tells the pituitary gland to increase levels of FSH and to trigger ovulation.

Unfortunately, if clomid is used for 3 cycles (or more) one after the other, it can block estrogen which is needed to make the endometrium thicker.

How this happens:

Clomid contains two isomers. Isomers are compounds which have the same molecular formula but different structures. This is because different isomers work differently.

When a woman stops using Clomid, her body will not contain any of one of the isomers after one week. The problem arises because the other isomer can stay in the body for as long as six weeks – still acting as an estrogen blocker.

For each cycle that includes the use of clomid, there is a backlog of this second, estrogen blocking isomer which prevents the endometrium from thickening sufficiently.

Clomid is a great medication if it helps you to conceive straight away but repeated use can bring potentially unwanted issues.

If you are aware of the side effects you can plan in advance to avoid them, or repair from them. It is a matter of not being driven by fear (often of your age and the statistics you hear) and listen to your body.

Your body is the vehicle that will hold your baby. Make sure you have good energy and cycles before you start assisted cycles. And if you lose that energy in the cycle, don’t go back until your energy is back again.

A tired horse does not win the Kentucky Derby. Fear and fatigue are not good companions.

5. Long Term Use of Oral Contraceptive Pills Containing Progestin

Some forms of birth control pills contain high levels of progestin. Prolonged use of this form of contraceptive has been linked to having a thin endometrium and also to atrophy of the uterus.

The longer that a woman has used progestin, the higher her chance of having a thin womb lining.

Again, this is something you can normally rebalance using the right Natural Fertility Program. It just takes time. Maybe 6 months to a year will be needed. It likely took a long time to develop these issues. They should heal, but you need to give your body time.

How We Can Help you with Thin Lining of the Womb

The wonderful news is that we know how to improve womb lining thickness.

Just because it is thin now, doesn’t mean that it has to stay thin forever.

Our Treatment Approach to Thicken Your Endometrial Lining

Here are more important tips. Read them thoroughly. Let us know if you have any questions.

Foods and Regular Eating Can Help Thicken Uterine Lining

•  Learn to eat in a way to support your healing. For example: Did you know that drinking and eating too many iced drinks will slow down your body’s ability to renew its blood supply?

•  Adjust your diet. Lean toward a whole food, high fiber diet, mostly protein and vegetables. Rice is fine but try not to eat too much pasta.

•  Stick to a regular schedule for eating. This will balance your insulin and cortisol hormones. When cortisol levels go up it immediately affects reproductive hormones – starting with the balance between progesterone and estrogen.

•  Eat lots of foods that help your body to build blood.

Eat cooked leafy greens like

•  Cabbage
•  Collard greens
•  spinach
•  kale
•  broccoli
•  Brussels sprouts
•  Kohlrabi
•  mustard greens
•  rapeseed

These foods also help the liver detoxify which will help it to process reproductive hormones.

Avoid animal meats, cheeses, milks and other food items that have been raised with the use of hormones. Choose organic, free range, grass fed animals whenever possible.

Do Some Simple Exercises to Improve Uterine Lining

The right herbal formulas combined with the right energy movements will relax the fascia and muscles. This releases blocked energy and frees the flow of fresh oxygenated blood to nourish and enliven your sexual vitality.

* First, increase your walking. (The same arteries that feed your legs, feed your reproductive system. )

* Second, do exercises that incorporate movement of the legs and hips, ideal for improving circulation to your ovaries and your uterus. Run, walk, cycle, swim, do Zumba or aerobics, whatever you enjoy

* The Radiant Eight Energy Exercises done everyday