Testimonials of our Stress & Anxiety Herbal Products
Helping people find helpful solutions to their health concerns is our passion and our mission. Below you’ll find a collection of reviews and testimonials from customers who have found success from our products.
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No More Anxiety Attacks
I used to have a real problem with anxiety attacks. I also have borderline high blood pressure. Some of these attacks have been pretty scary. I have been through counseling and that helped somewhat, but nothing has made the deep and lasting difference like the continuing Self Care Program from Radiant Wonder I have been on for a year. And I know this is where the extra balance is coming from. These herbs are rebuilding strength and balance in me.
I concentrated on balancing my body in the big picture, not focusing on one problem or another. I have made a number of adjustments in the program, sometimes as the weather changed, sometimes as circumstances in my life changed. My program has always been pretty simple – often only one or two products each month.
I noticed within a month when I took the Restore Balance in the morning I felt calmer within a short period of time. The big test came last month, after I had been taking the herbs for a year. We made a drive to New York. I have always been terrified of tunnels. I forgot we had to go through the Holland Tunnel. And there was a traffic jam to boot. When I realized the situation we were in my eyes got really big and I started to feel uneasy. My husband kept looking at me to see if I was all right. He couldn’t say anything because our two girls were in the back seat, but he kept looking over at me with great concern. I was able to calmly take a breath and settle down.
When I realized what had happened I was absolutely thrilled. I don’t think you can understand how I felt unless you understood where I had been. It is important to me to try to express to other people how special Radiant Wonder is and how amazing it is. I have learned so much to help my family and I in the last year.
Thank you, I am becoming a “Radiant Wonder” – ask my family!
Energy Back, No Hot Flashes, Sleeping At Night, then a Baby Girl
I am 43 years old and I just delivered our beautiful baby, Gina! I have a very stressful job as a social worker. A year and a half ago, my energy was so low, I was having bad gas, constipation, and years of anxiety and insomnia. My FSH was high and I was having hot flashes. I started working with Radiant Wonder. After 10 months of Steps to Success I was so depressed. There had been big changes: my energy was back; I had no constipation, I was sleeping through the night, little to no anxiety, with no hot flashes at all. But no baby. I went to the Kaiser Fertility Clinic. I kept thinking ‘I do not want to do this’. But why did I want to give up? The very next week I got a positive. It was 11 months to the day from the time I started with you. That positive is now our incredible baby, Gina. To other women I say, ‘don’t give up.’ And don’t be afraid of your age. Don’t be afraid to give your body time to heal.
I am no longer stuck in mental dis-ease! So happy to be back.
I recently started using 3 products from Radiant Wonder: Stress Relief, Calm Energy, and Thinkers Energy Tonic. I am experiencing amazing results. Suffering from depression and anxiety for many years, I was finally able. under my doctor’s care, to come off of my antidepressants and anxiety medication completely. At the same time I started taking the Radiant Wonder herbs.
Instead of dealing with the many side effects of those medications I now have regained mental clarity, rejuvenated energy, and wonderful peace of mind. I have never felt happier. I want to thank Radiant Wonder for helping me to develop a program of these specific herbs to relieve my depression/anxiety and bring back my total health.
One of the situations I feel so grateful to be free of is the mental barriers I felt for years trying to communicate easily. The medication never helped with this. How can I explain this. I am a very fluent talker when I feel well. The right words and ease in speaking are never a problem. For years, however I did not feel socially comfortable. I felt as if I was a social person, but in a social setting with a group of people I would be tongue tied. I would become very quiet. I wanted to express myself but my brain was not allowing me to form the sentences I needed to form. It was just so uncomfortable, wanting to express myself but not feeling able to do so. Now I am back in my brain again. I feel so at ease. I can be quiet. I can talk. I have a choice. I am no longer stuck in mental disease.
Thanks to everyone at Radiant Wonder for encouraging me and guiding me to live a life free from depression and totally happy. I am so happy to back in the flow of life.
Thank you so much Radiant Wonder! My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
More Energy, Less Stress, All Day
I work for Delta Airlines at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. Working for an airline today is intense. There have been so many changes and so much is expected of you. I need two things to do what I do everyday — less stress and more energy. I have tried so many things, 5-hour energy, ginseng, anything I could find. Nothing really worked. Then I tried your Energy Boost. I had tried the Rhodiola and Gynostemma before from other manufacturers so I wasn’t expecting a lot. A friend just gave me a bottle and told me to give it a couple of weeks. I took 2 capsules twice a day. It was a week and a half when it started kicking in.
This one product gives me everything I need. Just 2 caps morning and again in the early afternoon. The quality of your stuff is awesome. What do I feel? I got exactly what I wanted: more energy less stress all day. I have been telling all my friends, so let me tell you if you come to the Seattle-Tacoma Airport and you are flying Delta you can mention Radiant Wonder Energy Boost to most of the on the ground staff and they’ll know what you are talking about.
Stress Be Gone
Dear Radiant Wonder,
Since ordering your products I can actually say that after the first few days of taking the Stress Relief and Energy Boost pills that my stress and comfort levels have been calm.
I have felt almost 100 percent better and have been able to lower my extreme stress levels that were starting to worry me and my family. I can attest to the calmness and how I approach a situation that I have to deal with as a Police Officer.
The stresses that I have been going through with my Department issues have decreased and many co-workers have seen an improvement of my attitude. The anger and stress I have had for the past few months has literally decreased and I feel a lot better.
Thank you these products and the compassion you have has helped me put myself back on track and not jeopardizing my health.
Thank you.
Miscarriage Support
Previous miscarriages left me angry, pissed, irritated, hormonal, agitated… I hated to be around myself!
The shift to feeling great was so fast, I still don’t believe it! ”You could have bought me with a penny!”
First let me say I am a happy camper! Before taking Stress Relief I was angry, pissed, irritated, hormonal, agitated, etc. I basically hated to be around myself. My body had taken a toll because of previous miscarriages, weight gain and just all around stress. I had no energy. I was tired all of the time and just plain miserable! UGH! My last miscarriage in September of last year totally did a wreck on my psyche.
I contacted Radiant Wonder in March and decided that I should be on Stress Relief and Spirulina. Well it took no time for me to get my two products from Radiant Wonder and started taking them the very next day.
Immediately after taking the Stress Relief I felt like something had happened to me. Something very comfortable, yet really deep had shifted. Now a few weeks later? I don’t lose my temper. I’m calmer, happier, have more energy, sleep better, NO MORE BRAIN FOG, and I have patience! My husband and kids have noticed a definite shift in my personality and love it. I’m almost out of Stress Relief but I’m ordering asap.
Amanda all I can say is thank you a million times over. I can’t wait to work with you to get pregnant!!!