Testimonials of our Digestive Health & Detox Herbal Products

Helping people find helpful solutions to their health concerns is our passion and our mission. Below you’ll find a collection of reviews and testimonials from customers who have found success from our products.

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Benign Breast Cyst Disappearing

I am 35 years old, and 5 years ago I found 2 little cysts in my breast.

At that time my doctor told me the cyst was almost normal. So I took some precautions, but did not worry very much. Then two years ago one of the cysts started growing. Its size was almost 1 1/2” in diameter. I was able to see it. And it was scary. The skin on my left breast became red and the pain was unbearable. After mammograms and ultrasounds my doctor decided to drain the cyst. I felt so great after that. Unfortunately it started growing again, getting to its original size in less than two months! I became scared, sad and disappointed.

I saw two more doctors and they recommended surgical removal of the cyst, given that it needed to be drained too often. Surgery, however, did not make sense to me. Nothing guarantees that I won’t get new cysts again. So I decided first to try something else. I was familiar with the quality of Radiant Wonder. Calm Energy helped me a lot when I quit smoking. I had made it part of my personal treatment at that time. So right after the doctor drained my cyst (March of this year), I started taking Classic Cleansing and doing the recommended skin brushing daily. At this time (October) I am still having cysts, but they are slowly shrinking and haven’t needed to be drained for 7 months!

Of course none of these herbal formulas only help you in one way. Classic Cleansing and the skin brushing has been a process that has also helped me change other habits, and that also makes me feel better. I have more energy. My skin glows. I have a growing peace of mind. I finally feel I have this problem under control.

Thank you so much. Nothing else worked for me before.

Paula H.

San Francisco, CA

Energy Back, No Hot Flashes, Sleeping At Night, then a Baby Girl

I am 43 years old and I just delivered our beautiful baby, Gina! I have a very stressful job as a social worker. A year and a half ago, my energy was so low, I was having bad gas, constipation, and years of anxiety and insomnia. My FSH was high and I was having hot flashes. I started working with Radiant Wonder. After 10 months of Steps to Success I was so depressed. There had been big changes: my energy was back; I had no constipation, I was sleeping through the night, little to no anxiety, with no hot flashes at all. But no baby. I went to the Kaiser Fertility Clinic. I kept thinking ‘I do not want to do this’. But why did I want to give up? The very next week I got a positive. It was 11 months to the day from the time I started with you. That positive is now our incredible baby, Gina. To other women I say, ‘don’t give up.’ And don’t be afraid of your age. Don’t be afraid to give your body time to heal.


Philadelphia, PA

Extreme Bloating and Gas Gone!

I would just like to say that I always thought that I was the healthiest person in the world. I train in the gym 6 days a week, alternating cardio and weights with an exact schedule, and use the 7th day of the week for rest and relaxation. My diet is also ideally calculated with the proper percentages of protein, carbohydrates and fats to help me maintain my busy lifestyle.

A couple of years ago I began having a problem that seemed to come out of nowhere. I had abdominal bloating and extreme discomfort. I made dietary adjustments, increased fiber intake, took digestive enzymes, tried laxatives, increased water consumption – all with no relief.

I went to see my gastroenterologist and had a battery of tests. He diagnosed IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). He also called it spastic colon. We tried muscle relaxants and antibiotics. Neither seemed to help.

I hit the internet and exchanged information with others, trying to find a solution for this problem that would never let up. I couldn’t believe how many people were in the same boat I was.

Then a friend told me to check out your website. It was explained that digestive problems often have their root cause in the liver. It was interesting, seemed to make sense, but I didn’t know if it would work. I bought your Quiet Colon and started taking one capsule after each meal in combination with 2 capsules twice a day of Gynostemma. I also followed the dietary suggestions and the did the Hot Water Detox once a week. I stopped all cold drinks and foods before 11am everyday.

Within a few days my abdominal bloating calmed down. Within a month I was symptom free. I continued the herbs for 3 more months, then cut down to one a day for a few months, and now I am taking nothing!!!

Sometimes when you are getting older you think you will just have to live with certain things. I feel a new lease on life, and appreciation for all of you.



Hot Flashes Gone, IVF Soon To Come…

Hi Amanda,

Things are going great! I started the hot water/lemon detox and noticed an almost immediate decrease in the coughing. I did the hot water with some lemon for the past week and noticed a smooth, twice a day BM without drastically changing my diet. I have been taking Super Fertility #2 and Harmony (ordered 2 month supply last week) as directed along with acupuncture twice a week, daily ear exercise and lymphatic massage and am eating more veggies. I received the Cough & Bronchitis #1 formula and Radiant Eight Energy Exercises early last week and have been taking formula 3 twice a day. The cough as of today is 95% gone and hot flashes/sweats are almost gone. I will start DVD this week as my last week was hectic. I am so impressed and happy with your formulas and plan to be on this program for 3 months before attempting another IVF transfer (January).

Hot flashes? Almost non-existent!! If I do get one a day it’s a mild flush. My sleeping is better also. I usually wake up once a night the use the bathroom, but I go right back to sleep – I am so excited!!!

Two Months Later: My hot flashes are still rarely there. I switched Harmony to Balance and that seems to be working better for me on many levels. I did not ovulate this month, but I understand that can happen. Still aiming for January transfer.

I am addicted to drinking hot water. (Who would have believed it!) I put a little sliver of lemon in it and I sip hot lemon water all day. I love it. And I remembered that a friend of mine told me about this several years ago. I asked how her mother had such beautiful skin. She had no wrinkles and her skin was so smooth and healthy looking. She told me her mother drank hot lemon water all the time and that was the secret!

Finally I would like to tell you that there is something that has been happening for me that it is something that gives me peace about this whole process. My mood is great. I can not describe it. I feel so good all the time. It is a peace. So I really feel, as much as I really, really want this child, that I am not wasting my time or my money on this. It is very real and completely unexpected. I want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

Deena F.


No Longer Cold, No Bloating, and Improved Sleep

My concerns:

Body Temperature: My body temperature was always low. I was cold all the time! I am warmer now even though I often feel cold and the place where I work is cold. It is not all the time, but already my colleagues have noticed that my hands are warmer. It is impossible to not get cold because the AC is blowing cold air. However there have been times when I take my sweater off at work, which has never happened, and it has only been 3 weeks.

Stomach: No more bloating after eating. No more stomach pain. I used to take my father’s Priolsec, you know the prescription, after eating. My stomach hurt so much. This has been going on for years! Now I haven’t asked him for one single pill since I changed everything.

Sleeping: I sleep better. I don’t wake up that often, but it still takes me a while to fall asleep, but I am able to sleep once I get to sleep. I used to be up all night.

Energy: My energy is better. It is not 100 percent, but I am not dragging.

I also had a completely different feeling with my period (which just came). I always have horrible cramping a week before my period. And I didn’t have cramping at all. I always finish a bottle of Advil every month. Around my period I would have to take 3 capsules every 6 hours to get through. I did not need even one Advil. To be honest, it was on the calendar so I expected cramping. I usually do get a really bad headache before my cycle. That is the only thing I still got this cycle. To tell you the truth I was even thinking maybe I was pregnant. Usually my breasts got really sore and my cramps are really horrible. And usually the first day I don’t even want to get out of bed. This month my breasts were not sore. I had only slight cramping the first day. Before I saw the bleeding I honestly thought maybe I was pregnant it was so different. The clots are less and the flow is not so heavy. It seems crazy after only 3 weeks. I usually don’t want to move, when I would get off from work I want to stay still. Also, I am not tired at all. Usually on my cycle I am exhausted. This is good for me. I didn’t get really emotional either, usually I just want to cry all the time, but this time I was just really happy the whole week before.

I’m going to continue using Radiant Wonder 🙂 I love it! Thanks Amanda!

Claudia A.

Syracuse, NY

I Love Quiet Colon!

I LOVE Quiet Colon. For my particular problem it worked better than the Calm Digestion. I am in my mid 30’s and am working, plus I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Here is what was happening to me: I would awaken in the morning and have to run to the bathroom 2-3 times every morning with diarrhea. After I got to work I was OK. Then at lunch time the next problem began. I would get bloated. This was not just a little bloating. I was so miserable it was kind of hard to breathe. I felt like I looked pregnant. My stomach even felt hard. And I was bloated like this all the time until I went to bed.

I had been using Radiant Wonder herbs for my allergies so I decided to try some others for this problem. First I tried the Calm Digestion. It helped a little, but not enough. Then I used the Quiet Colon, just one before each meal. I had amazing results! Within maybe 2-3 days everything was completely better. I mean it was that fast! The bloating just went away. And my bowel movements have become completely normal. I can not tell you how happy I am! It was like magic.

Thanks so much! You are the best.

Valentina G.

Austin, TX

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Gone!

My husband and I recently retired and moved to Las Vegas. This is the time of your life when you want to get out and get around, see friends, go on walks together, go dancing. I absolutely love to dance and I have a husband who dances! This was a main reason I was excited about retiring in Las Vegas. Las Vegas has all kinds of dancing events for retired couples.

However, once we moved here it was obvious that I would never be able to even go dancing once. I felt it was dangerous to leave home. I never knew when I would get urgent diarrhea. I was a prisoner in my own home.

Honestly, I had never taken herbs before, but my husband, Sam, had success with Cholest-X, from Radiant Wonder and had brought his cholesterol down from 245 to 165 in only 2 1/2 months. So I took a chance and called.

I learned I needed to eat not so many cold foods. No orange juice for breakfast. Cutting back temporarily on salads. It all sounded too simplistic to me, but it made sense to me too. If it worked I would be understanding my digestive system in a new way.

So I tried the program. It was Quiet Colon (1 with each meal) and Calm Digestion (2 after each meal), plus the Radiant Eight Energy Exercises.

The second month I tried Tension Relief instead of Calm Digestion. I was doing the exercises all the time I really liked them!

Things were going too slowly for me. Very little change. After 3 weeks I really didn’t think it was doing anything. I was told to give it a good 3 months because this was food, not a drug, and the body was rebuilding and rebalancing. I still felt it wasn’t working. Then in the 4th week, it happened. I stopped having the alternating constipation and diarrhea. It just went away. After 8 years. 8 years of hell gone in 4 weeks. I went dancing.

And I was fine! After another two months I stopped taking the products, just to see what would happen.

It took 3 months to start coming back. So I have returned to taking the herbs.

What I understand is that my body was getting stronger, but it wasn’t yet strong enough to hold it things on its own. The great thing was it took a while to reweaken. I also have been told that normally the body will be strong enough that it won’t need any extra help. That might take a year. But that is ok. In fact, that is great. The most important thing to me is that I HAVE MY LIFE BACK. I can go dancing again.

Joanne L.

Las Vegas, NV

Relief from lifelong Gas, Bloating and Belching

Hello, I have never written a letter of recommendation for any company, but I am excited. Ever since I was a child I have experienced gas and bloating.

Then I actually started a strange habit. I would belch. Now I expected to have a belch after a meal, but I would belch when I was working out. As soon as I got on the treadmill it would start. At Gold’s gym that was no problem when I was working out with the other weight lifters, but it was a real embarrassment when I would go to the regular gym, or on a jog.

My wife had had excellent results bringing down her high cholesterol with your Cholest-X. She encouraged me to call you. Boy am I glad I did. One of your herbalists talked with me for about 15-20 minutes. In that time she gave me some very simple dietary/lifestyle changes and recommended a 20 minute exercise routine to do daily. I started taking 3 things: Stress Relief, Calm Digestion, and Digest Ease #1. I saw a difference the first week. Within 2 weeks the belching was completely gone. I also saw a noticeable difference in the gas and bloating, so I chose to continue. Over time we have cut back on the formulas as my body got stronger and more able to handle things on its own.

At this point, 3 months later none of the chronic complaints I have had most of my life were present. Life is so much more enjoyable. Also my energy has definitely improved. I feel so good. At 53 it is pretty neat to see life getting significantly better.

You have my sincere thanks. Customer service at your company goes beyond the normal meaning of that phrase. There is a sincere effort to give you help that is real, results you can see. There is no sense of your herbalists just trying to keep me buying things. My program has gotten smaller with time, not larger. And just think about it: I am totally ready for the holiday meals with all the family around!

Hope to speak to soon.

Thank you and God bless


No More Alternating Constipation/Diarrhea!

I have suffered for over 15 years with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and had extreme gas issues with major cramping, and diarrhea most of the time. I tried prescribed medications, herbal remedies, nothing seemed to help. It was embarrassing and limited some of my social activities.

Then I started taking Quiet Colon, Calm Digestion and Stress Relief about 3 years ago. The results were amazing. Your products changed my life for the better.

I wasn’t faithful with the Radiant Eight Energy Exercises or I probably would not have had to take them as long as I did to get the results. I now only take Calm Digestion when needed. I usually know when I’ve eaten something that will upset my system and I use Calm Digestion right away to take care of the problem. Learning to drink warm or room temperature liquids was a big part of the change that helped me.

Fran C.

Newport, MI

You Can Feel Better!

34 years of teaching high school is a long time. I just did not realize what a toll it had taken. Add to that the crazy politics here in New Jersey, and Hurricane Sandy and I guess it is amazing I didn’t notice before the gradual but huge toll on my health I had been accumulating.

A dear friend of mine from Ohio who has been using Radiant Wonder for over 10 years encouraged me to call.

Gradually over the years as I saw what needed to be done and kept doing it without any regard for how I felt I seemed to have lost my good health. Well I wanted it back! And thanks to my friends at Radiant Wonder I got it back. A new lease on life is a real state of mind and body.

It took me getting a game plan and the willingness to do it. That made a BIG difference. I was determined not to stay in the place I had found myself. My results surely came from my following the program, but the wisdom and the kindness and the caring of everyone at Radiant Wonder can not be underestimated. I learned SO much about how my body really works, and what I could do to help myself.

Here is a partial list of the symptoms which disappeared within the first two months: digestive problems, bloating, nervousness, back pain, muscle tension, dry mouth, painful sex (because of being dry), dizziness, severe fatigue. When I think about how great I feel now and I look at that list I wonder how I even got through the days.

Be assured Radiant Wonder is a very special place. Thanks to all of you. And to anyone who reads this letter, DON’T think it is all over. You can begin again. I feel 10 years younger. Easily.

Also — a last note. I never get sick anymore. I used to get whatever the students were bringing in. It was miserable. Made all my other complaints worse. Now if I even think there is a cold around I take some Stop It Cold. Keeping Fight the Flu! around just in case. Has hit a few of the kids already. Pretty intense. But I really don’t think it will even bother with me. Just keep washing my hands, washing the door handle to the classroom and putting the kabosh on the flu.

PS Note from 6 years later: The tools I learned to use and some of the herbal formulas have continued to keep me and my body in a very good place.

Joan R.

Haddonfield, NJ

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